Trees & Plants
Sustainable landscapes sequester carbon, clean the air and water, increase energy efficiency, restore habitats, and create beautiful spaces we can enjoy.
Native Trees and Plants
Sharon has an abundance of native trees including oak, maple, cedar, and pine. Shrubs and flowering plants are also plentiful. As you plant your garden or landscape your yard, please consider choosing to grow native trees and plants rather than high maintenance lawns. Native plants generally require little maintenance, conserve water, help wildlife and provide nectar for pollinators. Long-living trees like oaks and maples, are effective at storing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide which helps combat climate change.
Invasive Species
Over 60 plant species have been scientifically categorized by the Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group (MIPAG) as "Invasive." They can out-compete, displace and kill native plants. To learn how to recognize invasive species around your property or around town, begin by downloading the iNaturalist app onto your phone. As you walk around, take a photo of the plant you are curious about and the app will provide information as to the origin of the plant, native or invasive. Learn more about some of the invasive species found around Sharon here.