SSC Youth Internship Pilot
SSC recently founded a new internship pilot for teenagers to learn and help solve environmental problems! For the past couple of weeks, teenagers from Sharon High School have been working on projects to help accomplish their goals! Here are some of the things that they did over the past couple of weeks:
Electric cars:
They are much better from the environment since they don't release bad gasses into the earth's atmosphere
Don't have to worry about getting gas since you can charge overnight
Many different varieties
Very fun to drive
You can get discounts on electric vehicles on drive green @
You can get some tax credit for going solar
Going solar is good for the environment since it doesn't produce as many negative externalities such as greenhouse gasses.
Save money on electric bills going solar
If getting solar is not possible for your home, you can still apply to get energy from solar farms, which is still clean energy going straight to your home.
In the next couple of weeks, the team is looking to promote the use of electric cars and solar energy in Sharon. There is much more to come!