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Tree Planting and Invasive Plant Removal

The tree planting is taking place along the boardwalk between Beech Tree Park and the boat launch parking lot. This is an area where a number of dead trees have been removed over the last few years. In addition, there has been a concerted effort to remove invasive plants from the  area as well. The new trees, red maples  and river birch will aid in absorbing excess water during heavy rain events and add native plants back to the area.

With regards to the invasive species removal, we are attempting to create an “adopt a tree” initiative where people can monitor a tree during the growing months to ensure that no invasive are growing on our around it. People can choose to adopt anywhere from 1-5 trees (or more if they so desire). The removal day event will give you hands-on experience. Please bring durable gloves and clippers if you have them, and it is suggested that you wear long sleeves and pants to prevent being exposed to poison ivy. 

April 29

Candidates Panel

June 3

Board Meeting